Eye Health Tips with Natural Foods Ingredients

Health Tips : Eye Health Tips with Natural Foods Ingredients . Eye is one of the most important senses in human life . With Healthy eyes , people can enjoy the natural beauty of God's creation is so remarkable . Thus , in order to keep your eyes healthy to be able to continue to enjoy the beauty of this world , you have to maintain the health of your eyes well . The trick is to eat foods that contain lots of vitamins for eye health Tips.
Health Tips Eye
Eye Illustration Photo ( thirdeyehealth dot com )

Speaking of eating that contains vitamin for eyes , here are some foods that can be your choice as a source of vitamins for your eyes . In addition to these foods , you also need to frequently consult your eye care doctor regularly . Because by knowing the symptoms you are experiencing eye disease , you can prevent it from getting worse . and this is Eye Health Tips with Natural Foods :

1 . carrots
I'm sure once you already know about this one plant , because almost everyone has been eating this carrot plants . In addition to the rabbit food , carrots turned out very well as vitamins for the eye because it contains beta-carotene . Where beta-carotene is processed by the body into vitamin A, which is very good for eye health tips .

2 . tomatoes
fruit on this one I 'm sure you are already familiar . because the fruit is widely sold in the market . Beside rich in vitamin C , tomatoes are also rich in Vitamin A which is suitable for the health of the human eye . So there is no reason for you not to consume the fruit of this one , what else are cheap and easy to find everywhere. Therefore we should like this one fruit for the health of our eyes .

3 . eggs
Eggs are not only rich in Vitamin B12 and Vitamin D , but also rich in Vitamin A which is very good for the health of the human eye . The content of lutein and zeaxanthin found in egg white are believed to prevent cataracts in the eye .

4 . black chocolate
Who does not like for this one . For those of you who do not like carrots , you can replace it with dark chocolate because dark chocolate is believed to protect the eye from blindness due to the presence of flavonoids that protect blood vessels of the eye and reinforce the cornea and the retina as well . With natural ingredients we can keep our eye health .

5 . Bayem
Spinach with green leaves and has a good flavor , that spinach is a source of strength Popay cartoon sailor . Therefore, we return to the benefits obtained from spinach for eye health . As it is known that spinach is also rich in Vitamin A which is very good for the health of the human eye . It was thanks to the presence of Lutein and Zeaxanthin content that is in need of the human eye .

In addition to consume food that contains Vitamin A , keeping eye health and go to eye health to consult an eye doctor is one way to keep your eyes healthy to stay healthy . That's a few tips to maintain eye health so that the eye is always healthy until old though . If you feel the article " Eye Health Tips with Natural Foods Ingredients " could be useful for you , please share via the share button below . thank you

Health Tips on how to keep your kidneys

Health tips , this is the article about Health Tips how to keep your kidneys . Kidney popularity is still less than the brain or heart in discussions about health . As a result , many people with less or even no health care with their own kidneys . Whereas the role of the kidney in the metabolism of the body as vital as other organs that maintain health it is the duty of each person .

Health Tips how to keep your kidneys

Health Tips how to keep your kidneys

It also turned out to be a recognized medical workers who stated that attention to the problem of kidney health is still below the heart , brain or liver . No wonder that many people are finding out that he was suffering from a kidney if the disease was at an advanced stage , in addition to the symptoms of kidney disease who are not so visible . As a result , many
patients who only realized when the disease is already severely undermined his body .

Kidney health should not be underestimated because if it reaches the severe stage of the treatment costs will be very mahal.Harus known that complications of the disease was fairly much ranging from diabetes , cardiovascular to bone loss .

Basically , kidney disease is divided into two namely kidney disease that can be cured , and that can not be cured . Both types of kidney disease has medical consequences of each .

Kidney disease can be cured , for example Kidney stone will easily be removed if the originators factor kidney was removed and the performance will be normal again .

While kidney disease may be incurable kidney that have been leaked or chronic kidney disease . However , although not curable , the disease can still be circumvented by inhibiting the development process by means undergoing various forms of medical treatment and living a healthy lifestyle for Kidney Health .

But , nevertheless , the most important thing is to prevent rather than cure . And the following are tips to maintain the health of your kidneys . Kidney Health Tips :

Keeping Blood Sugar Levels
You must be good at maintaining blood sugar levels to remain high blood stabil.Gula can be one of the factors of kidney disease .

Maintaining Physical Health
You also must be proficient in maintaining physical health by way of frequent exercise and eating healthy foods . Remember that many foods contain dyes was instrumental in influencing a person's kidney condition .

So is the coffee and tea if consumed too frequently , can disrupt the performance of the kidneys . From now on , try to be wise in eating food / drinks and regular physical exercise .

Keeping Blood Pressure
Data show that in 2010 , high blood contribute to causing kidney disease by 35 % . Thus , you are required to be proficient in maintaining blood pressure that does not trip . Avoid foods that can trigger a rise in blood pressure .

Quite Drinking Water
Relation to meet the need of water in the body . In addition to consuming a lot of water that was already obliged to help maintain kidney health , fluid in the body can also be obtained by eating fruits and vegetables . Dehydration or lack of fluids should be avoided so that the performance of the kidneys can be maintained .

No Smoking and routine check-up
Again , smoking is the cause of various diseases in the body , one kidney . So , from now on , whenever possible you should reduce or even not at all smoking for the health of your kidneys . The kidneys should also be checked regularly in the form of protein in the urine examination and measuring glomerular filtration rate or GFR .

    Those are some Health Tips that you can apply in order to maintain healthy kidneys continue to function properly . However , you should as much as possible to maintain healthy kidneys which have important functions in the body . If you 've read this article , it is our hope you can immediately practice some ways reviewed above for the sake of your own health kidney because if not yourself that keep the kidneys , who else ? Thank you for reading the article about Health Tips how to keep your kidneys . may be useful for the reader .

Health Tips 7 Ways Skin Care For Men Teens

we will talking about health tips. during adolescence , whether male or female , should begin to pay attention to the health of their skin . This is because a person will experience internal changes in their body when entering adolescence . This hormonal fluctuation then make young women and men are often affected by skin problems , like acne . Well, here are Health Tips 7 Ways Skin Care For Men Teens .

Health Tips Skin Care For Men

Health Tips Skin Care For Men
1 . Skin Health Tips - Find out your skin type !
Find out what your skin type before choosing skin care products . That way , you can avoid the irritation caused by allergies to chemicals in skin care products .

2 . Skin Health Tips - Keeping the face remains clean
Clean your face twice a day to remove dirt and dust that clings to the skin . Skin hygiene can prevent you from the risk of acne .

3 . Skin Health Tips - Do not often hold face
Keep your hands away from the face . Too often touching the face can spread the oil on the face and encourage the growth of bacteria , which could eventually lead to acne .

4 . Skin Health Tips - Moisturizing face
Get used to moisturize your face after cleaning it . Even though once you have oily skin , you still need to keep the skin moist all day .

5 . Skin Health Tips - exfoliation
Use a scrub once a week to peel the dead skin on the face . It is very important to do in order to keep pushing the turn of the new skin .

6 . Skin Health Tips - Eating healthy foods
Expand to eat vegetables and fruits to meet the nutritional needs of your body and skin . Thus , you will be able to maintain healthy skin and body .

7 . Skin Health Tips - drinking water
Drink at least 8 glasses of water a day to hydrate the body and remove toxins from your body . In addition to moisturizing the skin , the water can detoxify the body .

Here's 7 Ways Health Tips Skin Care For Men Youth . thanks for read article about health tips. Good luck , and may be useful for the reader!

Health Tips - 10 Ways to Lose Weight Healthy

This is Health Tips - 10 Ways to Lose Weight Healthy , follow these steps :
Health Tips - 10 Ways to Lose Weight Healthy

1 . Start now !
Losing weight is not enough only with intention . You need determination and iron will . How can weight down , if you never started?

2 . Reasonable target pairs
Set a target at the beginning of the program . It goes without heroics . Weight loss of 0.5 kg per week is ideal . When drastic is dangerous to health . For additional motivation , hang hot pants or your favorite jeans that had long been hiding in the closet , in a place easily visible .

3 . No need is too tight
You still need 1200-1500 calories per day to keep the body fit. Chop up the remaining 600 calories to 800 calories per day will slow down your metabolism . If metabolism is running slow , the body hoards fat chance even greater . Instead slim , even diseases that come .

4 . Fast breakfast
Do not delete the breakfast . A study revealed that 4,000 American adults who managed to lose weight about 15 pounds in a year are those who never forget breakfast . Get used to try breakfast at 9:00 am at 7:00 in order to be shifted into energy -burning process started more quickly .

5 . Do not just breakfast
Health Tips - Start the day with breakfast 300-400 calories , but not with high-fat foods . " Pick a loaf of wheat bread baked omelet contents 1 egg, plus 1 cup of salad . Alternatively , 100 grams of rice with 1 piece of fish plus 1 cup of vegetables , "advises Dr . Pauline Endang SpGK , clinical nutrition specialist in Jakarta .

6 . Chew food 36 times !
Try to count , how much you chew while eating ? If less than 36 times , try to add . The longer you chew , the food will be easier to digest , you would be much easier to feel full .

7 . Drink plenty of water
" Less drinking can aggravate the kidneys which can lead to dehydration . It can interfere with the body's metabolic system , " said dr . Endang . If you are diligent in drinking water of 1.5 liters or 8-10 glasses per day , without any diet , the weight within a year you could go down to 2.5 kg .

8 . Motion , dong !
Exercise for 60-90 minutes , 3-4 times a week , must be done . Alloys such as jogging and aerobics walking , each alternately every 3 minutes , enough to burn fat effectively . If you do not have time , walk around the house or office for 5 minutes each interval of one hour can burn 200-300 calories .

9 . More fiber
Fiber also has a big role in ousting fat . The more fibers that enter the body , the faster the stool volume swell as the fiber absorbs water . Adults need 21 grams of fiber per day . " If you are used to eating fruits and vegetables , increase the portions into 5 bowls per day . Divide into 5 meals , " anjur dr . Endang .

10 . Fruit alone is not enough
You will easily starve if you only eat fruit or vegetables . Enter 15 % -20 % of protein in each of your menu to increase metabolism . The digestive system needs energy to perform metabolic processes .

Read Another Article :  How To Fast for Lose Weight Naturally

That's Health Tips - 10 Ways to Lose Weight Healthy , hopefully this article can help readers.

Tips on How to Lose Weight Quickly and naturally healthy

We talking about Tips on How to Lose Weight Quickly and naturally healthy. Having a healthy body and ideal weight is the dream of every person . Ideal healthy body and can be obtained from the healthy lifestyle and regular exercise. However, it is not uncommon of most people actually forget about the sport because of busy activities that take up most of their time , and even more to consume a variety of foods without regard to adequate nutrition causing obesity . Obesity not only can interfere with performance , but it would be a nest of dangerous diseases , such as obesity , diabetes and heart disease .

Tips on How to Lose Weight Quickly and naturally healthy

Tips on How to Lose Weight Quickly and naturally healthy

Health Tips - In order to lose weight most people using instant way , such as using drugs for weight loss or liposuction . But the instant the chosen way sometimes without properly investigated , as too a lot of money and not a few of the drugs that cause side effects in the circulation for long periods . In fact, a quick way to lose weight can also be done in a natural way that does not need a lot of money and can keep your body to stay healthy . Before you choose drugs or liposuction , you should consider some How To Lose Weight Quickly do every day without spending a lot of expenses , such as the following This Tips Health :

Sport has become a quick way to lose weight that you can do every day without spending much money . You simply take the time to exercise in the morning and at night before bed . With regular exercise you will maintain a healthy body , and helps the body to remain ideal .

Avoid Carbonated Drinks
Most people like to drink carbonated beverages / soft drinks that contain 250 calories from sugar . Besides consuming carbonated drinks too much will lead to obesity , diabetes and osteoporosis . Therefore to maintain ideal weight remains , from this moment you do not even need to reduce the consumption of carbonated beverages .

Avoid Junkfood / Fast Food
Normally people like to eat fast food that is easy to consume without having complicated to prepare your own meals . But it is exactly that fast food causes obesity and most are not good for health . In one serving of fast food contains a whole number of calories needed by the body , therefore the body will quickly fat if you get used to eating junk food .

Consumption of Fruits and Vegetables
Fruits and vegetables contain lots of vitamins and fiber needed by the body . Fruits and vegetables can also be a good option for those who are undergoing a diet program . Therefore from this moment to get used to increase the consumption of fruits and vegetables to maintain a healthy weight and avoid obesity ideal .
Read Another Article : How To Fast for Lose Weight Naturally

Replace White Rice with Rice berah
To replace white carbohydrates with complex carbohydrates you can replace white rice with brown rice . Because these carbohydrates take longer to be digested by the body , so the body will feel full longer .

Avoid fatty foods and fried
Fried has the potential for improving cholesterol fat storage , so it can cause a buildup of excess fat in the body . Besides the oil contained in fried foods are not good for health. Therefore from this moment you should avoid fatty foods and fried foods , and replace them with foods prepared with boiled , baked , steamed or soup .

Tips on How to Lose Weight Quickly and naturally healthy as above you can do every day without spending a lot of cost and no side effects . By maintaining a healthy lifestyle and take the time to exercise , you will have an ideal body weight and avoid obesity .