Benefits of Quitting Smoking

Probably most of the people are very difficult to quit smoking , but if we know more deeply quit smoking will bring many positive benefits for ourselves . To lenih following details are general benefits that you know if you stop smoking , as dilansirTimes of India , Thursday ( 2/2/2012 ) . this is a guide about Benefits of Quitting Smoking for our health.

- Stop smoking , respiratory function optimization will increase .

- Tobacco users tend to take a long time to recover from injuries and are more susceptible to disease .

- Live free tobacco increases your recovery time due to injury when the immune system becomes stronger than before when you were actively smoking .

- The use of high tobacco can cause poor blood circulation , tiredness , muscle weakness, and reduced ability of the physical work .

- Life without tobacco also will allow you to live without the extra stress . This is due to the increase of blood circulation system of the body so that the body feels fitter.

- As soon as you quit smoking , you are highly recommended to start exercising . This will assist in directing your energy in a positive direction and thus urge the control system of the body work more effectively .

But other than some benefits above , quit smoking also brings a lot of drastic changes in the body .
This is guide , tips , benefits and trick of quiting smoking. Among them :

1 . Quit smoking 20 minutes , blood pressure , heart rate , and peripheral blood flow improves
2 . Two hours of quitting smoking , the carbon monoxide levels in the blood return to normal
3 . During 48 hours of quitting smoking , will improve the system of blood flow , and increased heart function
4 . Two to 12 weeks of quitting smoking , nicotine is eliminated from the body system , the senses of taste and smell improves
5 . One to nine months of quitting smoking , shortness of breath ( shortness ) and reduced coughing
6 . One year quit smoking , the risk of coronary heart disease is reduced by half compared with smokers
7 . Ten years of quitting smoking , the risk of lung cancer by half compared to smokers
8 . Over 15 years of quitting smoking , the risk of heart attack and stroke down to the same level as non- smokers
Benefits of Quitting Smoking

Now what? ? ? never too late to quit smoking !\
thanks for read health tips article. i hope this article " Benefits of Quitting Smoking " , will usefull for readers.