Showing posts with label guide. Show all posts
Showing posts with label guide. Show all posts

Benefits of Quitting Smoking

Probably most of the people are very difficult to quit smoking , but if we know more deeply quit smoking will bring many positive benefits for ourselves . To lenih following details are general benefits that you know if you stop smoking , as dilansirTimes of India , Thursday ( 2/2/2012 ) . this is a guide about Benefits of Quitting Smoking for our health.

- Stop smoking , respiratory function optimization will increase .

- Tobacco users tend to take a long time to recover from injuries and are more susceptible to disease .

- Live free tobacco increases your recovery time due to injury when the immune system becomes stronger than before when you were actively smoking .

- The use of high tobacco can cause poor blood circulation , tiredness , muscle weakness, and reduced ability of the physical work .

- Life without tobacco also will allow you to live without the extra stress . This is due to the increase of blood circulation system of the body so that the body feels fitter.

- As soon as you quit smoking , you are highly recommended to start exercising . This will assist in directing your energy in a positive direction and thus urge the control system of the body work more effectively .

But other than some benefits above , quit smoking also brings a lot of drastic changes in the body .
This is guide , tips , benefits and trick of quiting smoking. Among them :

1 . Quit smoking 20 minutes , blood pressure , heart rate , and peripheral blood flow improves
2 . Two hours of quitting smoking , the carbon monoxide levels in the blood return to normal
3 . During 48 hours of quitting smoking , will improve the system of blood flow , and increased heart function
4 . Two to 12 weeks of quitting smoking , nicotine is eliminated from the body system , the senses of taste and smell improves
5 . One to nine months of quitting smoking , shortness of breath ( shortness ) and reduced coughing
6 . One year quit smoking , the risk of coronary heart disease is reduced by half compared with smokers
7 . Ten years of quitting smoking , the risk of lung cancer by half compared to smokers
8 . Over 15 years of quitting smoking , the risk of heart attack and stroke down to the same level as non- smokers
Benefits of Quitting Smoking

Now what? ? ? never too late to quit smoking !\
thanks for read health tips article. i hope this article " Benefits of Quitting Smoking " , will usefull for readers.

Benefits of Water For Body

We will Discuss about Benefits of Water For Body - We highly recommended to drink 8 glasses of water a day because there are many reasons to drink water . In fact , drinking water ( either plain or in the form of other liquid or food ) is very important to provide health benefits for your body . This is a guide about Benefits of Water for Body.
Benefits of Water For Body

Benefits of Water For Body

Get Healthy Skin : You 'll look younger when your skin well hydrated . Water helps to replenish skin tissues , moisturizes skin and increase skin elasticity .

Better Productivity at Healthy of Work : Your brain is mostly made up of water , thus drinking water helps you think better , be more alert and more concentrated .

Better exercise : Drinking water regulates your body temperature . That means you 'll feel more energetic when doing exercises . Water also helps to fuel your muscles .
Lose Weight : Drinking water reduces hunger , it is an effective appetite suppressant so you 'll eat less . Plus , water has zero calories . Here are more details on how to achieve fat loss by drinking water and for out health..

Benefits of Water for Body
1 . Natural Remedy for Headache : Helps to relieve headache and back pain due to dehydration . Although many reasons contribute to headache , dehydration is one of them .
2 . Helps Digestion and Constipation : Drinking water increases your metabolism because it helps in digestion . Fiber and water goes hand in hand so that you can have your daily bowel movement .
3 . Reduce Cramps and Sprains : Proper hydration to help keep joints and muscles lubricated , so you will reduce the possibility of cramps and sprains .
4 . Feeling Health and Reduce Pain Possible : Drinking plenty of water helps fight against flu and other diseases such as kidney stones and heart attack . Water added with lemon is used for ailments like respiratory disease , intestinal problems , rheumatism and arthritis etc. In other words one of the benefits of drinking water is that it can improve your immune system .
5 . Eliminate Toxins : Water is used by the body to help remove toxins and waste products from the body . If your body is short of water , your heart , for example , need to work harder to pump out the oxygenated blood to all cells , so are the rest of the vital organs , your organs will be exhausted and so are you . \
6 . Reduce Risk of Cancer : Related to the digestive system , some studies show that drinking water can reduce the risk of bladder cancer and colon cancer . Water dilutes the concentration of cancer -causing agents in the urine and shortens the time in which they are in contact with the lining of the bladder .
7 . Making a Good Mood : Your body feels very good and that's why you feel happy .

Benefits of Water for Body - So come on now we are starting to drink water to maintain the health of our bodies . Because the drinking water we can prevent the symptoms are not better than our bodies .

thats all guide , benefits, and tips health of water for our body.
read more article : Benefits of Quitting Smoking