10 Tips to Prevent Cell Phone Radiation
We will talk about Tips Health - Prevent Cell Phone Radiation.
Mobile phones have become companions in our daily lives . Wherever we go , the mobile phone is always with us to meet the needs of communication . The popularity and ease of use makes people gradually abandoned the use of fixed telephone line ( landline ) .
Wireless phones work by transmitting signals through radio frequency phone, equal to the low-frequency radiation contained in a microwave oven as well as AM / FM radio . Scientists for years have known the impact of high -frequency radio signal radiation on health . If we are exposed continuously and in large quantities , the high -frequency sinyak can cause cancer .
For that we need to be aware of the dangers of excessive use of mobile phones for our health . WHO officially declared that cell phone radiation can trigger dangerous cancer ( carcinogenic ) . Disease and the symptoms that arise from cell phone radiation hazards include : dizziness , sleep disorders , brain tumors , Alzheimer's , Parkinson's , changing the function of memory , concentration and spatial awareness and trigger other cancers .
To prevent or protect you from cell phone radiation , following 10 Tips to Prevent Cell Phone Radiation :
1 . Do not use the phone when the signal is weak ( low ) . This causes the phone to work harder to obtain a connection , thus creating the possibility of a greater radiation .
How To Avoid From Cell Phone Radiation
2 . Do not use mobile phones in enclosed spaces , such as lifts and car . Radiation can occur when trying to create a connection to the mobile phone signals .
3 . Do not call while driving . Talking on the phone while moving quickly make your phone keeps trying to create a connection ( connection ) repeatedly to the next tower , thus releasing large amounts of energy .
How To Avoid From Cell Phone Radiation
4 . Limit cell phone use . Talk as much as necessary and may send a text rather than call .
5 . When the phone is on , do not keep it near your body . Our body can absorb harmful radiation , so keep it away from members of the body ( including the pockets ) . Sometimes it was so great to communicate needs , to the extent that the phone was sleeping next to us . It should be avoided to reduce the possibility of radiation exposure .
How To Avoid From Cell Phone Radiation
6 . Use the speakerphone . If you are alone and do not want to disturb others , then use the speakerphone is the best way for having a safe distance from your head .
7 . If using bluetooth , switch from one side to the other . This is a way to avoid radiation concentrated on one side . Radiation Bluetooth remained even lower risk of cell phone radiation .
8 . Use a headset ferrite bead . Ferrite beads are cell phone accessories that serve to reduce radiation . Existing wiring in the hearing aid on the phone you can also channel the radiation to the ear . By using a ferrite bead , you can reduce the radiation .
How To Avoid From Mobile Phone Radiation
9 . Use Airplane Mode . Most phones now have a function in the plane were used for wireless transmission udara.Airplane negate mode and stop the radiation risk ! If you do not use the phone for a long time , turn off or select airplane mode , your phone will consume less energy and save battery so that its use is more efficient .
10 . Buy a phone with low radiation . Every cell phone has varying levels of radiation , for that you need to search for product information phone radiates low which suits your needs . In addition , any model of cell phone , always observe how to use it properly . The mobile phone manufacturers always provide information on how to use and carry mobile phones that consumers can limit radiation exposure .
thats all Tips to Prevent Cell Phone Radiation.
Mobile phones have become companions in our daily lives . Wherever we go , the mobile phone is always with us to meet the needs of communication . The popularity and ease of use makes people gradually abandoned the use of fixed telephone line ( landline ) .
Wireless phones work by transmitting signals through radio frequency phone, equal to the low-frequency radiation contained in a microwave oven as well as AM / FM radio . Scientists for years have known the impact of high -frequency radio signal radiation on health . If we are exposed continuously and in large quantities , the high -frequency sinyak can cause cancer .
For that we need to be aware of the dangers of excessive use of mobile phones for our health . WHO officially declared that cell phone radiation can trigger dangerous cancer ( carcinogenic ) . Disease and the symptoms that arise from cell phone radiation hazards include : dizziness , sleep disorders , brain tumors , Alzheimer's , Parkinson's , changing the function of memory , concentration and spatial awareness and trigger other cancers .

To prevent or protect you from cell phone radiation , following 10 Tips to Prevent Cell Phone Radiation :
1 . Do not use the phone when the signal is weak ( low ) . This causes the phone to work harder to obtain a connection , thus creating the possibility of a greater radiation .
How To Avoid From Cell Phone Radiation
2 . Do not use mobile phones in enclosed spaces , such as lifts and car . Radiation can occur when trying to create a connection to the mobile phone signals .
3 . Do not call while driving . Talking on the phone while moving quickly make your phone keeps trying to create a connection ( connection ) repeatedly to the next tower , thus releasing large amounts of energy .
How To Avoid From Cell Phone Radiation
4 . Limit cell phone use . Talk as much as necessary and may send a text rather than call .
5 . When the phone is on , do not keep it near your body . Our body can absorb harmful radiation , so keep it away from members of the body ( including the pockets ) . Sometimes it was so great to communicate needs , to the extent that the phone was sleeping next to us . It should be avoided to reduce the possibility of radiation exposure .
How To Avoid From Cell Phone Radiation
6 . Use the speakerphone . If you are alone and do not want to disturb others , then use the speakerphone is the best way for having a safe distance from your head .
7 . If using bluetooth , switch from one side to the other . This is a way to avoid radiation concentrated on one side . Radiation Bluetooth remained even lower risk of cell phone radiation .
8 . Use a headset ferrite bead . Ferrite beads are cell phone accessories that serve to reduce radiation . Existing wiring in the hearing aid on the phone you can also channel the radiation to the ear . By using a ferrite bead , you can reduce the radiation .
How To Avoid From Mobile Phone Radiation
9 . Use Airplane Mode . Most phones now have a function in the plane were used for wireless transmission udara.Airplane negate mode and stop the radiation risk ! If you do not use the phone for a long time , turn off or select airplane mode , your phone will consume less energy and save battery so that its use is more efficient .
10 . Buy a phone with low radiation . Every cell phone has varying levels of radiation , for that you need to search for product information phone radiates low which suits your needs . In addition , any model of cell phone , always observe how to use it properly . The mobile phone manufacturers always provide information on how to use and carry mobile phones that consumers can limit radiation exposure .
thats all Tips to Prevent Cell Phone Radiation.